Want to enjoy unparalleled comfort in these chilly winter months? This is where central heating comes in, providing warmth so you can be cozy at home. Central heating systems are popular all over Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley which is why you will see every building and premises with some sort of installed furnace heating systems there.An Introduction to Central Heating

A central heating system can control the climate of your home, giving you the power to adjust the temperatures to your liking. The system comprises of heating, ventilation and air conditioning as a whole.

However, central heating should not be confused with local heating. Local heating is limited only to one place or room, such as mini split systems that heat one room at a time. Central heating, as the name states, distributes heating to any and all parts of your house. However, when your central heating system stops working, it’s time to look into furnace repair firms and technicians.

Types of Central Heating Systems

All central heating systems can be generally categorized into the following types:

  • Wet Systems
  • Warm Air Systems
  • Storage heaters

Each of these is unique and can only be used for specific locations and conditions.

Wet Systems

This sort of heating system requires a boiler/heat exchanger & radiator. The wet system works by circulating hot water through a network of pipes that are placed strategically throughout the premises. The boiler is responsible for heating the water and the water is housed in radiators throughout the house. The water is heated through a boiler, which works by burning fuel. Fuels which can be used in the boiler are natural gas, coal, liquid petroleum gas and heating oil.

In most cases, if the system fails, heating repair starts at the source, i.e. the boiler. If the problem isn’t found at the source, it makes sense to check the radiators around the house. These radiators warm up the surroundings via convection, a process which involves the surrounding air being warmed up until the room temperature is constant. It is this warm air which circulates around the room and gives off warmth.

Warm Air System

First finding mainstream acceptance in the 60s and 70s, warm air systems are still popular in North America. Instead of water, this system utilizes air, which is heated in a furnace and transported via ducts to the rooms. This air is then distributed into the rooms with the help of a network of ducts throughout the house and outlet vents in each room. The furnace on its part is heated via burning of natural gas. It is more cost-effective to have warm air systems because in case of failure, you can have the furnace repaired easily and swiftly with warm air systems.

Storage Heating System

Storage heaters rely on solids, such as bricks, rather than liquid or gas. Because of this, they are capable of storing huge amounts of heat. These bricks are heated at night by electricity. During the day, these bricks give off heat which is in turn transported along the premises. They are the easiest to repair, making them an ideal choice for both commercial and home use.

All these systems have their pros and cons. This is why it is important to know which system you can install in Los Angeles based on the locale, climate conditions and the design of your premises. The technicians will take these factors into account before installing a central heating system which they think is perfect for your home. With regular care and maintenance, it continues to run well and for a long time.