Knowing When it is Time to Replace Your Older Furnace

Despite Southern California’s reputation of balmy weather and warm temperatures, Los Angeles and the Valley do occasionally have their cold moments. Being accustomed to this gentle climate, any temperature under fifty degrees can feel downright freezing.

Even in Southern California, it is nice to know your furnace is ready to turn up the heat and take that chill out of the air. The question is just how ready your furnace really is.

Energy Efficient Means Less Expensive to OperateUnderstanding the Time for a New Furnace Installation in Los Angeles and the Valley

There is an old Chinese proverb that says the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is now. This homespun philosophy also applies to your household furnace. While your older unit may still be capable of cranking out the heat, today’s newer models are much more energy efficient. Is it time for you to consider replacing your older furnace? Chances are the answer to that question is yes. On average, a newer model furnace will save the typical family household hundreds of dollars per year.

Furnace efficiency is measured not only by how well it generates and puts out heat, but also by how effectively the unit distributes that heat throughout your home. Expressed as a percentage, older furnaces rank about 60% in efficiency. Compare that to the newer furnace models on the market which earn energy efficiency marks that regularly fall within the high 90 percentile range. That level of efficient heating can save you lots of money through the winter season, cutting your utility bills by 40% or more.

With today’s high energy prices, the savings you can experience in your utility bills will add up quickly. Take a look at your last heating bill and do the math for yourself. Depending on the efficiency rating of your existing heating unit, a new furnace installation could pay for itself in a relatively short period of time.

Saving on More than Just the Gas Bill

These modern furnace units also offer a reduced number of on/off cycles, further improving their energy efficiency. Remember that most furnaces use both gas and electricity; while the gas is used for the actual heating, the electricity helps regulate the frequency of the on and off cycles. A modern, energy-efficient furnace will help you save money on both of those utility bills.

Today’s modern furnaces offer efficiency in other ways as well. Condensing furnaces utilize sealed combustion technology which translates to very little heat loss, which in turn lowers your gas bill. Since the gases are exhausted through an outdoor wall, a chimney liner is not required, making this type of furnace not only less expensive to install, but also safer and quieter than older furnace models.

Clearly, living in Southern California comes with a few weather perks, but when the next cold front sweeps through your home in Los Angeles or the Valley, you will appreciate having an effective and efficient furnace. Knowing that your newly installed, energy-efficient heating system will not only keep you warm and comfortable, but also help to conserve natural resources while saving you money, makes right now the perfect time for a new furnace installation in your home.