If you are planning on purchasing a new air conditioner, you may have already wondered about what size of a system is needed for your home. While professionals may always talk about the importance of sizing, many homeowners don’t really understand why it is all that important. So, here we will explore the topic a little further, so you will be able to make an informed decision.
In many purchasing decisions, bigger is better. Why buy smaller boxes of laundry detergent, when a large pack offers greater value? Unfortunately, when it comes to appliances, this rhetoric may end up costing you a fortune in the long term. By buying a system that is too large for your needs, it will turn on and off more frequently. This phenomenon, known as short cycling places a massive strain on the unit, increasing energy use and wear and tear.
Erring on the side of caution and opting for a smaller unit can be just as problematic. If your new air conditioner lacks the power needed it will struggle to cool your home and end up running for longer and longer periods to maintain the desired temperature. This also increases energy consumption and places a strain on the system.
Either scenario will cause you to have excessively high energy bills and face the prospect of needing to call out an HVAC technician frequently to replace worn out components.
The Correct Sizing:
Generally, the correct size of air conditioner will produce a listed air tonnage that corresponds to the square footage of your property. The basic equation is the square footage x25, divided by 12,000, minus 0.5. Unfortunately, this is a very basic calculation. In order to produce a more reliable sizing figure, you would need to consider a number of factors including the amount of sunlight hitting the home, how many storeys your home has, and their size, sizes of rooms that produce more heat such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms, the amount of insulation inside your home and if there are any drafty areas. For this reason, it is a good idea to consult a professional HVAC specialist.
Professional Sizing:
An experienced HVAC specialist will do more than take a couple of measurements in order to properly size your new air conditioning system. The technician will use their experience and expertise to determine if the architectural features of your home will impact the performance or efficiency of a new system. They will fully assess your home to consider the factors listed above and determine the type of AC system that is best suited to meet the unique requirements of your property. This will ensure that your system not only has the power to properly and efficiently cool your home, but you will enjoy the full lifespan of your new equipment.
If you are considering a new air conditioning system, you should speak to a professional HVAC specialist. While there are many box store solutions available, improper sizing can cost you a great deal in the long term. With increased energy bills, frequent breakdowns and compromised lifespan, you may regret saving a few dollars by cutting the crucial step of consulting a professional.