Hot, humid days can make the summer seem unbearable. While we may crave the warmer weather during the cold winter months, once it arrives, if you don’t have efficient air conditioning you will soon wish that summer was over. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to boost your air conditioning and ensure that you feel cool and comfortable.

Check Your Filters:Simple Ways to Boost Your Air Conditioning Efficiency

The filters of your air conditioning system are often overlooked. They are such a small and inexpensive component; it can be easy to forget the vital role that they play in the efficiency of your air conditioner. Air conditioner models have at least one filter that is used to capture any particles of debris including allergens such as pollen. While this improves air quality, it is not the filter’s only role. By capturing these particles, the filter prevents potentially damaging debris from entering the more sensitive components of the system. Unfortunately, even the best filter will become ineffective if it is allowed to become clogged. A clogged filter will not only stop collecting particles from the air, but it will also reduce the airflow inside your air conditioner. This will place the unit under increasing strain, using more and more energy to try and maintain the desired temperature. This will means that the cost of running your air conditioner will continue to rise as efficiency is compromised.

Schedule Maintenance:

Regular maintenance provides a general tune up and provides the opportunity for small problems that could be leaching efficiency to be corrected. It can also be used to identify any potential problems that could develop into a major issue during the heavy use of summer. This type of preventative maintenance can dramatically reduce the risk of a breakdown, saving you money on call out charges and ensuring that you don’t experience the inconvenience of your air conditioner not working when you need it the most. After a professional maintenance appointment, you should find that the performance and efficiency of your air conditioner are improved, so keeping cool this summer will cost you less.

Get in the Zone:

Zone control is another simple way to boost the efficiency of your air conditioning. Essentially, it is a series of shutters that is placed into the ducts to divide the system into individual rooms or zones. Each of the shutters has an independent thermostat, which allows you to control the temperature in the zone without affecting the other areas of your home. This improves efficiency as you only need to run the air conditioning in the areas of your home that are in use. Adding zone control to your system will reduce strain on your air conditioner and lower your running costs without compromising comfort.

If you have some concerns about the efficiency of your air conditioner, it is a good idea to have your system inspected by a professional HVAC specialist. An experienced technician can assess your system to determine if efficiency and performance can be improved. It will also provide an opportunity for preventative maintenance to avoid a breakdown when your system is needed the most.