Although you may have gone to a great deal of trouble, researching the available heating systems and choosing one to perfectly fit your needs, the reality is that it will not last forever. Regardless of how well you maintain your system or its quality when you first purchased it, eventually, it will need to be replaced. Many homeowners worry about the timing of new heating installation and are concerned that they may be spending money when they don’t need to. Fortunately, there are some signs that will indicate that your heating system needs to be replaced.
Heating Bill Increases:
Although most of us are aware of the rising energy costs today, a consistent increase in your heating bills is likely to be an indication that you need a new heating system. As it ages, your heating system will begin to accumulate wear and tear on the internal components. This gradual decline means that your heater is losing efficiency over the years. This wear and tear will eventually become serious enough that the efficiency loss becomes evident in your heating bills. When your monthly bills rise consistently over several months, there is a good chance that the system wear and tear has become significant.
Inconsistent Temperatures:
Another sign that your heating system is ready to be replaced is when there are inconsistent temperatures around your home. Cold spots and your system short cycling are an indication that the system can no longer handle the heating demands of your home. These two signs are likely to be the result of your system having insufficient capacity to maintain the comfortable, desired temperature throughout your home.
Rise in Repair Needs:
If your heating repair technician has been programmed into your speed dial, it is likely that your system is in need of an upgrade. While even the most well maintained system can have repair issues, if your system is frequently in need of repair, it is probably due to advanced wear. Unfortunately, as components become worn and break, it can cause a cascade failure in the system. This means that even a small component failing can result in a hefty repair bill. Each component in your system accumulates wear at a different rate, which means that as the system ages, you can experience components failing in rapid succession.
If your system needs to be repaired every two or three months, rather than once or twice each year, it is ready to be replaced. Although buying a new heating system can be a considerable investment, when you add up the cost of frequent repairs, you will see it can be the cheaper option.
Installing a new heating system is an opportunity to upgrade to a more energy efficient system. Manufacturers have increased the efficiency and quality of their heating systems in recent years. These improvements mean that when you upgrade, you can not only enjoy a warm, comfortable home, but you could end up paying less on your utility bills. If your system is frequently breaking down, prompting larger utility bills or not performing properly, you may be pleasantly surprised at how upgrading can improve your quality of life.