Although you may be fastidious in cleaning your home, dust can still be compromising your air quality. Dust can accumulate inside your HVAC system, impacting performance and energy efficiency. It is also a severe allergen, affecting those with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce the amount of dust lingering in your home with some basic measures.How to Reduce Dust in Your Home

Consider Your Carpeting:

Although it may not be possible to eliminate carpeting from your home, completely, it is worth considering that carpeting is a magnet for dust and dust mites. While it may not be feasible to invest in hardwood floors throughout your home, there are cost effective ways to limit carpeting, such as installing vinyl or linoleum, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms.
In carpeted areas, you should vacuum at least once a day, even if this is simply a quick going over in the evening. Of course, you should move furniture and other obstacles to perform a thorough vacuuming at least once or twice a week. Additionally, you should consider investing in a heavy duty vacuum cleaner which can efficiently lift dust from carpeting. Ideally, the vacuum should be fitted with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.

Clean Soft Furnishings Each Week:

Pillows, sheets, comforters, drapes and cushions can be a massive magnet for dust, so it is important that they are cleaned once a week. If you fail to consistently clean your soft furnishings, you are likely to find that you will have more restless sleep and more allergy reactions are triggered. By freshening up your soft furnishings, you will feel better rested and healthier. Wash linens as per manufacturer’s instructions and air out soft furnishings that are not washing machine safe. Cushions and rugs can be vacuumed or beaten outdoors to remove dust. This will not only make your home feel cleaner, but it could also make you feel energized and less lethargic.

Spring Clean:

Spring cleaning has an important purpose and can be a fantastic method of keeping dust at bay. Spring cleaning provides the opportunity to clear the clutter and freshen your home. Dust will gather on items that have been static for a long period, so consider what is needed and what is actually clutter. This de-cluttering should also apply to closets around the home, which may be a source of dust inside your home. Spring cleaning is also a fantastic opportunity to remove anything that you haven’t used or worn for a while, so you can store it properly or donate it. During your spring clean, don’t forget areas that may not be cleaned regularly, but could be a haven for dust, such as light fittings, coving and the tops of kitchen cabinets.

Dust, dust mites, and other airborne debris can have a massive impact on your health and the health of your home. Fortunately, with these basic measures, you can keep dust at bay and improve your indoor air quality. This will help to alleviate allergies and reduce the strain on your HVAC system.