If you own a furnace there’s one thing that can’t be harped upon enough – change the filters! The air filter is inexpensive and changing them takes literally less than a minute, but the harm done by infrequent changing or not doing it at all can cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in loss. In a combustion furnace that sends warm air all through the home, it’s not hard to see that ‘air’ is in fact one of the main ingredients needed and a dirty, clogged, filter impedes that very important component or element. The result is cooler air, higher energy bills, trouble breathing, and more. Here then, are tips for changing filters as not doing it, is no longer an option.Heating Expert Offers Tips For Changing Filters

Turn the Furnace Off First 

Whenever you’re dealing with the furnace remember that safety should always be priority #1. Even with something as simple as changing the air filter the top precaution should be to turn off the power to the furnace. This can be done either by flipping the breaker or by toggling a switch on the unit itself. Failure to turn off the power can result in electric shock from wires near where the filter goes or accidental startup that could push dirt and debris throughout your home.

Pay Attention to the Flow Arrows

An air filter that is installed backwards can be extremely harmful to the HVAC system. The units are designed with layers that specifically let air flow through while capturing dirt and debris at the same time. A filter installed backwards restricts the air flow while still capturing the debris, essentially creating a blockade that can be very damaging – think a spaghetti strainer used right side up compared to upside-down.

Remember the Changing Date and the Recommended Frequency 

The oil change sticker in the doorjamb of your car, or today the electronic warning on your dash are a friendly reminders that each commute gets you closer to the shop. Unfortunately remembering the air filter change date on your furnace isn’t always so up front and center. Either change your filter on the first or last of every month or set yourself a phone reminder when the next replacement is due.

Know There Are Different Filter Types 

One thing to remember regarding furnace filters is that they’re not all $7 throwaway units that need replacing every 30 days. In fact many modern HEPA rated filters are designed to last up to 6 months and can be cleaned on a regular basis. It’s important to know and understand your individual filter requirements and the minimum changing recommendations:

  • Pleated filters – replaced between 30 days and 3 months.
  • Electrostatic – cleaned with water in the opposite direction, changed annually.
  • Electronic filters – cleaned with special solution, changed every couple years.
  • HEPA filters – replaced monthly

Tip: You Can Never Change the Filter Too Frequently 

Bottom line, for the most part, you can never change an air filter too frequently especially if people in the home suffer from intense allergies or have other breathing problems. An annual inspection of the furnace is recommended before every heating service which serves as a great time to ask the HVAC technician instructions to change the filter and how frequently.