Maintenance is often considered to be a general term, but when it comes to heating systems, the process is anything, but general. Many homeowners leave their technician to complete a service, without understanding what the process entails. Unfortunately, this can lead to some imagining that regular maintenance can be neglected. So, here we will explore the important steps that occur during your heating maintenance.

Complete Inspection:Important Steps for Heating Maintenance

The first stage of heating maintenance is that your technician will perform a complete inspection of your system. The technician will check for any build up of dust and dirt, any traces of debris or other possible problems that may be visible.

Cleaning & Adjustment:

There are a number of components inside your heating system that require cleaning and adjustment to ensure they are operating correctly. This includes the fan assembly, burner assembly, blower motor, drive mechanism and the ignition assembly. The technician will also vacuum any soot build up from inside the firebox. If needed the air filter will need to be cleaned or changed.


The next step involves checking and testing the electrical components for amperage. Additionally, the gas pressure and safety controls will need to be tested and adjusted if necessary. The technician will also inspect and test the flue gas drafting to ensure it is operating safely.


Finally, all the moving parts and fan motors need to be lubricated to ensure smooth operation.

The Benefits of Professional Maintenance:

For many of us, maintenance for our heating systems is such an invisible task; it is often overlooked. While it may seem unimportant to ensure that your maintenance visit is scheduled each year, here are just some of the benefits of regular attention.

Repair Prevention: Since your system will be completely inspected by a professional technician, any developing issues or existing problems can be detected and repaired before they can deteriorate into a larger and potentially expensive repair.
Improve Energy Efficiency: Most of us are concerned about keeping our energy costs as low as possible, but we still want to stay warm and cozy. Fortunately, regular maintenance can improve energy efficiency. A dirty or worn system will struggle to operate, resulting in a loss of energy efficiency. As the system attempts to achieve your desired temperature setting, it will use more and more energy. Professional maintenance will help your heating system to operate optimally, so it doesn’t waste energy.
Extended Equipment Life Span: When your heating system is running under strain for a prolonged period it can prematurely age the equipment. This stress can cause excessive wear and tear on individual components and contribute to a cascade failure that will compromise the overall system. Regular maintenance can keep your system operating properly and remove the stressful conditions. This can ensure that your system reaches its natural lifespan and could even prolong the life of your equipment.

Most experts and manufacturers recommend that you schedule heating maintenance approximately once a year. This can allow you to harness the range of benefits offered from servicing and ensure that your heating system is ready to cope with the demands of winter.