Did You Know that Houseplants Are Instant Air Cleaners?Living in Los Angeles typically means having to put up with air pollution, which can play a major role in the quality of your home’s air. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a host of health issues for you and your family. Asthma, allergies and even respiratory illnesses can result from breathing polluted air.

Conveniently, you can improve the quality of your home’s air just by introducing a few houseplants into the rooms you spend a lot of time in. Plants can absorb many problem compounds found in the air such as carbon dioxide, benzene and formaldehyde. All indoor plants will absorb some air impurities within your home, but some plants do a better job than others.

Some of the more notable houseplants used to filter air include Chinese evergreen, Boston fern, spider plant, broad leaf lady palm, peace lily, and weeping fig.

Here are some tips and tricks on getting the most use out of them:

  • Place plants on the window sills and counters in your kitchen to help remove toxins from cooking.
  • Use hanging plants in the bathroom that can be pinned to the walls as they grow to save space.
  • Put some potted plants on your balcony or porch will help buffer air quality as it enters your home.

You don’t have to fill every corner of your home with plants in order to gain the benefits of better indoor air quality. One or two houseplants in each room is optimal, but even just a couple of plants in your home overall will provide results.

If you have further questions or concerns about the indoor air quality of your home, please give us a call so we can walk you through all of the effective options available to you.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Los Angeles, North Hollywood and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about houseplants and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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