If you are an allergy sufferer, you are more than aware of how they can ruin your summer. As the temperatures increase and trees, flowers and grasses bloom, you are likely to spend more time indoors. Unfortunately, as the weather warms up and humidity increases, there will be higher levels of allergens inside your home. Here is your guide to allergy proof your home and ensure that it is a comfortable and safe sanctuary.

Vacuum Frequently:

Dust, dirt and other potential allergens are drawn to carpeting, soft furnishings and linens. Fortunately, you can eliminate this potential source of allergens with frequent vacuuming. You should vacuum twice a week or more, paying particular attention to your rugs and carpets. You should also vacuum HVAC grates where dust can be collected.
If your allergies are particularly troublesome, you may need to consider upgrading your vacuum cleaner. Some vacuum cleaner models have a High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance or HEPA filter. These filters are used in air conditioning systems and can trap even smaller particles which can often be released into the air during vacuuming.How to Allergy Proof Your Home

Wash Bed Linens in Hot Water:

Dust mites only require a few days to multiply and take up residence in your sheets, pillows, and other linens. To curb the dust mite population and reduce your risk of allergies being triggered, you should wash your linens on a hot water cycle at least once per week. To avoid your bed linens from being compromised by pollens, it should be dried in a hot dryer. These hot temperatures will reduce the risk of dust mites and ensure that everything is fresh for a relaxing night’s sleep.

Use an Air Conditioner:

By keeping your windows closed and using an air conditioner to keep cool, you can lower the allergen levels in your home especially pollen. While fans may keep you feeling cool, they will kick up dust particles and other allergens, allowing them to float in the air. Air conditioner units have built in filters which will trap these particles as the cool air is circulated.

Keep Filters Clean:

During the warmer weather and throughout allergy season, it is important to recognize that filters are working very hard to eliminate all the allergens and pollen in the air. The filters in your air conditioning system will need to be regularly cleaned and replaced. Most manufacturers recommend changing filters every two months, but if you have pets or smokers in your home, you may need to change your filters more frequently. The specific details for cleaning or changing your air conditioner filters will be detailed in your owner’s manual supplied with the system.

Control Humidity Levels:

High humidity above 50% creates the ideal environment for dust mites and mold to thrive. Fortunately, in the summer months, it is easy to reduce high humidity inside your home by using your air conditioner. If the weather is cooler outside and there is still a high humidity problem inside your home, you may need to use a dehumidifier. This can be a separate unit or it could be integrated into your HVAC system.