Air Conditioner is one of the most important home appliances that you will need to deal with the hot and humid summer months. The need for an efficient air conditioning unit is very crucial for creating a comfortable indoor temperature. Summer heat can become unbearable and this is the time when you will need a good functioning air conditioner. There are instances when you will find – My AC is running but not cooling the house and it can be the most frustrating situation that you will face in your household. Therefore, it is important to identify the problems that affect the cooling of the air conditioners so that you are well prepared to handle the situation in an efficient manner. A well functioning air conditioner is the top priority of every homeowner especially during the heat wave but even a minor problem might affect the operations making the indoor temperature unbearable for the people living in the household. This is the reason why you need to hire HVAC professionals who will help you find the exact cause of the problem as well the steps to fix the problem efficiently.

The important components of the Air Conditioner

There are different components of the AC that works seamlessly to cool the indoor temperature which includes-

Heat pump

Fan coil


Evaporator coil


Air filter


All these components need to work efficiently for optimum functioning of the air conditioner and even a minor problem with any of these components can create problems with the AC. Moreover, there are instances when the air conditioner is working but it is not cooling or blowing adequate cold air and for this you will need to hire professionals who will take care of this problem. Even a minor problem with the AC can lead to excess humidity indoors and it can also lead to indoor air quality issues in the long run.

Reasons why AC is not cooling the house

  1. Malfunctioning thermostat- when the setting of thermostat is incorrect then it will make the house warm rather than cooling it. It is important to choose the cool setting instead of fan or heat so that it will cool the indoor air instead of heating it. The reading of the thermostat needs to be accurate because incorrect or faulty reading might also prevent the system from performing the cooling function. The most common problem why the thermostat faces these issues is when the batteries are not working and you need to use fresh batteries to ensure that the thermostat works efficiently again. This will prevent any further problem with the air conditioner so that it will start functioning efficiently again for cooling your house.
  1. Dirty air filters- air filters are one of the most important components of the air conditioner that directly impacts the functioning of the AC. Clogged, dirty or malfunctioning air filters is known to limit the air flow resulting in problem with the cooling of the AC. When the air filter is not in optimal condition, your house will not be cooled even when the air conditioner is working. Therefore, inspection of the AC as well as its air filters is extremely essential so that it can prevent any undesirable situations from impacting the system. when you notice air flow issues, you should get your system inspected by experienced and qualified professionals who will look whether the air filters are clean or not.
  1. Cooling coil issues- air conditioner works to cool the indoor temperature and when you experience ac not cooling, then this issue might be due to any problem with the cooling coil. The AC units are made up to indoor and outdoor coils with each of them performing its respective functions. while the indoor coils work by absorbing indoor heat, the outdoor coils transfers this heat to the outdoor so that the inside of your home becomes cool and comfortable. Therefore, even a slight problem with these coils might stop the AC from functioning in the desired manner and you will find that your indoor air is not becoming cool even after using the air conditioner. Furthermore, the dust and dirt accumulated on top of these coils might also prevent it from functioning optimally and heat transfer stops making your home warm and uncomfortable. Thus, HVAC professionals should be contacted to inspect the system and look at the root cause of the problem so that it will be handled in an efficient manner.
  1. Leaking refrigerant- refrigerant plays an pivotal role in converting the warm air of your house into cold air so that you can enjoy a cooler indoor air temperature. But when this compound liquid start leaking, it becomes difficult for the air conditioner to function efficiently and hence you need to contact professionals at the earliest. There are different signs that you will need to look for that indicates that refrigerant is leaking. The most common is the bubbling or hissing noise along with formation of ice crystals indicating that there is some problem with the refrigerant.
  1. Dirty outdoor unit- since outdoor units are always exposed to the different natural elements, it gets affected adversely on a frequent basis. When there is a lot of dust, dirt and debris accumulated on the outdoor unit, it can lead to serious problems with the air conditioner. AC not cooling is also a problem that arises when dust and dirt plays havoc to the functioning of the AC unit. Sun rays, wind, rain, snow and hail storm can make the outdoor unit more vulnerable to breakdown and malfunctioning. This is the reason why it is important to get your air conditioner unit inspected on a regular basis so that any problems with the system can be identified immediately. The heat exchange process is impacted adversely due to the presence of any kind of contaminants and with regular service and maintenance of the unit, this problem can be resolved.
  1. Evaporator coil issues- evaporator coil is an integral part of the AC unit that helps in cooling the indoor air of your house. But when the coils become dirty, damaged or worn out, you need to get it cleaned, repaired or replaced respectively. Build up of dust, dirt or mildew is common on these coils due to the excessive humidity and it can result in malfunctioning of the air conditioner if the problem is not addressed immediately. Freezing evaporator coil is also another problem that prevents the system from functioning and this issue might arise due to absence of adequate refrigerant in the AC.
  1. Gas leak issues- gas leakage can be a serious issue if it is not addressed at the right time because the leakage might be caused due to physical damage, corrosions or vibrations on the pipe. Damaged refrigeration circuit can also be a major reason for the gas leak and hence it is important to contact professionals who are highly qualified to identify the root cause of the problem. Regardless of the source of the gas leakage, you need to be careful because it might result in serious consequences if the problem is not identified at the earliest. Detecting gas leak can only be done by qualified and experienced HVAC technician who will look at the problem and advice the best course of action to prevent issues from escalating further.
  1. Wrong AC size- after installation of a window or split AC, if you find that it is not cooling your home then it indicates that you have an AC that is either too small or too big. The best way to handle this problem is by choosing an air conditioner that is of perfect size according to the size of your home so that it will cool efficiently. After AC installation, regular inspection and maintenance of the unit is also important for its care and upkeep so that it will work in a favorable manner.
  1. Faulty capacitor- AC capacitor should be functional and efficient so that it will cool your house in the desired manner. but when the capacitor is bad or failing, it means that the AC unit is not getting enough power that is needed for running the blower fan or compressor. Therefore, the capacitor needs to be working efficiently so that it will make the entire air conditioning unit to function for cooling the indoors. Faulty capacitor should not be used because the chances of fire or motor burning are very common. Rather than replacing the capacitor on your own, it is advisable that you contact HVAC professionals who will fix the issue in the best possible way.
  1. Old air conditioner- the simplest and the most common reason of ac not cooling is that it must have become old and it is no longer functional. An AC unit that is 10-15 years old should be replaced because it will no longer function to cool the indoor air. As there are many components of the AC, even a single failing component will prevent the entire system from functioning to cool your house.

Contact your local HVAC company for an AC inspection.