Your thermostat controls your home’s temperature by communicating with your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Its location in your house impacts how effectively it does this. An incorrectly placed thermostat can make some rooms uncomfortable while wasting energy. Moving it solves these issues. This article explains when and how to relocate your thermostat in simple steps using basic tools. Additional topics covered include:

  •  Benefits of proper thermostat placement
  •  DIY installation scenarios versus requiring HVAC technician assistance
  •  Thermostat settings impacting efficiency and monthly bills
  •  Adjusting vents balancing airflow room-by-room
  •  Troubleshooting thermostat problems and identifying faults
  •  Types of thermostats from analog dial to smart WIFI-connected
  •  How thermostats technically operate and control HVAC systems

With some effort, you can resolve inconvenient thermostat placement on your own. Other times, phoning an HVAC company ensures expert installation positioning it for ideal comfort and efficiency.

Why Move Your Thermostat?

You may want to move your thermostat for improved aesthetics or performance. An unsightly thermostat placed by previous homeowners or after renovations can detract from carefully designed room décor and visual flow. Relocating it to a more discreet spot hides the eyesore. Just ensure the new location accurately measures household air temperature changes without getting impacted by direct sunlight or drafts.

Performance-wise, flawed thermostat placement contributes to uneven heating and cooling distribution in homes. For example, units incorrectly positioned in rooms with many windows, exterior walls, or frequently opened exterior doors register exaggerated ambient temperature spikes. These overactivated HVAC systems waste energy trying to cool or heat already comfortable areas. Similarly, cold spots from wall cracks, empty basement spaces, or poor insulation undermine system accuracy.

In these cases, moving the thermostat to central, interior hallways on the main living floors provides a balanced perspective of household comfort needs without fringe climate influences skewing perception. This allows systems to run optimally adjusting only when necessary to maintain even comfort elsewhere. The simple upgrade prevents unnecessary temperature extremes and perpetual activation in lightly used rooms saving electricity and money.

When Can I Handle Moving Thermostats Myself?

You likely can tackle moving your thermostat in two common scenarios without professional assistance:

1) Relocating along the same wall 12-18 inches in either direction

2) Moving it across to an opposite-facing wall under 10 feet away

These situations avoid major wiring rerouting requiring advanced electrical skills. Just take proper safety precautions.

If however, your desired new thermostat location resides far away in another room distant from existing infrastructure, strongly consider hiring an HVAC technician to safely perform the complex wiring rerouting involved. Otherwise, you risk damaging interiors, wiring functionality or even causing fire hazards by incorrectly splicing connections. Improper installations also sabotage system performance. Leaving it to the professionals mitigates risks in these cases.

DIY Thermostat Moving Step-by-Step

If confident in assessing one of the simple electrical scenarios covered above, utilize the following instructions to safely relocate your wired digital thermostat.

(Note: Wireless battery-operated models do not contain wires at all simplifying movement even further without this wiring guidance.)

  • Materials Needed:
  •  Flathead screwdriver
  •  Voltage meter
  •  Stud finder
  •  Pencil
  •  Drywall saw
  •  16 Gauge thermostat wire
  •  Electrical tape
  •  Drywall mud, mesh tape, and sandpaper

Caution: Switch off the circuit breaker powering the HVAC system before beginning to prevent electric shock risks.


1) Remove the thermostat faceplate interface after photographing wire locations

2) Release wall anchor screws securing the backplate

3) Carefully label then detach wire connections

4) Set aside wires and backplate

5) Trace wires back to the source location in the wall

6) Stud finder locates potential repositioning spots between framing studs

7) Measure and mark the new shoulder height target location

8) Cut drywall access opening with a saw

9) Fish wires through framing cavities from source feed to new opening

10) Secure the backplate over the new opening

11) Reconnect labeled wires firmly

12) Reattach the thermostat interface matching the prior photo

13) Power up the HVAC circuit at the breaker

14) Test thermostat functionality

15) Seal up the drywall opening with mud and mesh once satisfied

Following precautions and patience pays off for years benefiting from enhanced thermostat positioning. Seek assistance as necessary.

Professional HVAC Company Thermostat Installations

While equal care and safety govern professional work, HVAC companies possess additional training, materials, and licensing surrounding the manipulation of complex equipment, wiring, and regulated components. This advanced expertise provides capabilities the average homeowner lacks in areas that risk substantial damages from improper execution. Consider consulting professionals when:

  •  New thermostat location falls beyond wire length excesses requiring new conduct installs
  •  Interfacing central HVAC components exceeds comfort zones
  •  Local regulations require certified technicians to make adjustments
  •  Potential asbestos exposure from wall cavity insulation

Even seemingly simple adjustments risk outstanding fines should unlicensed individuals perform work violating jurisdictional statutes. And incorrectly sized wiring risks fire while hacked-together splices enable failures down the road. Always vet scenarios against regional statutes when in doubt.

In many municipalities, only state-certified HVAC technicians legally perform climate control modifications impacting household infrastructure. Licensed experts remain accountable for protecting occupants through adherence to modern safety codes and practices well beyond layman’s knowledge. Peace of mind alongside refreshed comfort makes professional assistance worthwhile for major system alterations.

Settings Impacting HVAC Efficiency

Beyond physical relocation, adjust software settings influencing system operation with seasonal changes protecting budgets from unexpected spikes.

Programmable Thermostats

The majority of modern digital thermostats allow programming daily and weekly temperature fluctuation ranges personalized around your household schedule minimizing energy waste for unoccupied periods. Utilize these programmable capabilities fully by:

  •  Setting overnight or weekday away periods at least 5? F warmer in summer cooling months based on what still allows comfortable sleep (usually 75-80? F).
  •  Similarly, drop temperatures of 5? F or more during winter nights and away hours only warm the home when occupied. Waking up to chilly spaces incentivizes rising faster while programmable recovery ensures the desired temp by the time you need it.
  •  Confirm accurate weekday and weekend time clocks year-round avoiding wasted heating/cooling when shifts occur

Programming optimized around occupancy patterns tailored to your household’s unique rhythms prevents energy waste keeping spaces comfortable only when needed.

Seasonal Adjustments

Fine-tune temperature profiles across winter, spring, and summer for amplified savings:

  •  During temperate fall and spring, set the thermostat higher or lower by 1-2. F translating directly into 5-15% annual savings pinching less from household budgets as seasons transition.
  •  In arid cooling-dominated climates, allow warmer thermostat setpoints as high as 78. F. Optimize air movement directed at occupants using fans instead of extreme chilling.
  •  Humid locations favor lowered indoor humidity levels to increase comfort even at higher temperatures. Consult an HVAC expert on ideal integrated dehumidification systems if discomfort persists.

Adjusting a few degrees up or down during swing seasons and allowing slightly warmer setpoints during the peak of extremes generates outsized savings.

Smart & WIFI-Connected Options

The latest thermostats connect to home WIFI for controlling temperatures remotely via phones when away from home. Monitoring usage trends and customizing operations to lifestyle patterns ensures systems only remain active when truly necessary.

Next-generation models utilize machine learning adapting to household habits over time for greater automation and responsiveness characteristic of smart home ecosystems. This hands-free, customized precision around comfort translates directly into effortless savings and convenience growth.

Thermostat Placement Best Practices

Where exactly to mount the thermostat garners equal importance to nurture optimal efficiency. Follow guidelines and options to improve comfort.

Ideal Placement Areas:

– Interior hallways around shoulder height

Central positioning away from exterior walls, windows, or staircases minimizes skewing from errant air currents, direct sunlight, or adjacent unconditioned spaces.

– North-facing walls when possible

Northern home exposures dodge excessive sun exposure and heat retention on the thermostat casing leading to more accurate room readings.

Avoid Corners and Confined Spots

Despite seeming convenient positioning, placing thermostats in corners skews accuracy from temperature stratification in these neglected zones. Similarly, recessing units too deeply into confined cavities prevents natural airflow gracing sensors critical for precision.

Maintain Access and Visibility

Forgo obstructing thermostat interfaces once installed behind furniture or window furnishings limiting immediate access or covering displays with decorations obstructing setpoint visibility. Keeping operational sightlines clear ensures responsively adjusting output when desired.

Adjust Vent Direction

Sometimes moving the thermostat itself proves impossible. As an alternative, redirect or close select floor and ceiling vent airflow streams responsible for isolated cold or hot spots. Block flow fueling the imbalance. Prime candidates include rooms containing fireplaces, seasonal solar heat fluctuations, or single exposures causing chronic discomfort. Insulate problematic walls for more extensive remedies.

Call Your HVAC Company Today!

In the end, even a basic guide cannot replace having an experienced local professional assess your situation to pinpoint the best solutions custom fit for redeeming home climate control enjoyment year round. We have a track record of helping homeowners determine if a project has status or is best left to experts. Contact us for candid second opinions and free assessments. Our only goal is your family’s comfort all while maintaining equipment integrity. We handle the hassle so you can get back to what matters most. Call today!

Troubleshooting Thermostat Problems

If your thermostat fails to activate heating/cooling as expected or spaces feel exceedingly uncomfortable, the root cause may derive from placement but also equipment malfunctions needing a tune-up.

Common Thermostat Issues

  •  Display remains blank unable to program
  •  Desired setpoints rarely actually activate
  •  Frequent overheating or cooling well beyond setpoints experienced

Symptoms signal time for professional maintenance assessing functionality beyond just thermostat wiring:

  •  Refrigerant levels may need recharging after slow leaks decreasing cooling capacity
  •  Filters could be severely obstructed lowering airflow efficiency
  •  Duct ruptures undermine intended space conditioning never reaching rooms
  •  Short cycling of air where systems rapidly turn off/on constantly strains components accelerating failures
  •  Failing electrical connections suffering corrosion after exposure risks safety

While inspecting these secondary systems, technicians will validate thermostat health by checking wiring connections, sensor accuracy, and heating/cooling relay activation when signals are received. Faulty thermostats occur occasionally necessitating simple replacements restoring function.

Seeking professional HVAC assessments annually combats comfort issues and prevents premature breakdowns requiring expensive parts replacements down the road. Don’t wait until failure stranding your household during extremes. Preventative maintenance is truly priceless.

Types of Thermostats Explained

Traditional thermostats utilized manual dials allowing users to directly indicate desired temperature settings mechanically. Standalone temperature sensors registered ambient climates communicating readings to integrated relays triggering heating or cooling accordingly in a continuous analog fashion.

Modern digital counterparts convert readings into electric signals converted by circuit boards digitally comparing variance between setpoints and current temperatures in cycles. This allows added precision and automation like night setbacks generating savings when spaces remain unoccupied. Connected models also enable smartphone remote adjustments.

Here are the common varieties in homes today:

Manual Dial Thermostats

Inexpensive analog dial display adjusts a bimetallic coil spring mechanism altering readings based on detected temperature flows and assessing ambient climates. Lacking electronics reduces accuracy but no batteries or programming is needed.

Digital Thermostats

Digital units with LCDs offer increased precision with electronic driving relays but lower reliability than their dial counterparts. Programmable variants establish daily schedules minimizing waste and automating setpoints when spaces are vacant.

Smart Thermostats

Next-generation models connect to the home internet enabling control via mobile apps anywhere remotely. Advanced units feature voice activation, air quality assessments, and intuitive learning honing automated adjustments specific to household occupancy patterns over time. Upfront costs offset long-term savings potential.

How Do Thermostats Technically Control HVAC Systems?

Thermostats contain thermometers measuring air temperatures flowing naturally over built-in sensors encased inside the device. Separate electronics compare readings against defined setpoints blinking or beeping when differentials are great enough to activate specialized switches toggling associated heating and cooling systems on or off accordingly in cycles.

Inside the thermostat, a small device called a vial serves as the temperature sensor constructed of two metal strips fusing into a loop subjected to the surrounding air. As external temperatures rise and fall, the metals expand or contract at microscopic levels. This flex triggers contacts opening or closing electric relays switching HVAC systems on and off. Cooler climates cause the metals to draw closer completing circuits while warmer air spaces them farther apart severing continuity.

Common Thermostat Hearing and Cooling Load Misconceptions

A popular misbelief cites overly large HVAC systems cause short cycling struggling maintaining precise temperatures. Minor differentials trigger systems long enough for sufficient runtimes preventing premature wear. Oversizing issues instead arise from improper manual charging of refrigerant levels. Too many flood cooling coils eliciting turbulence reducing flow efficiency and heat transfer rates. Technicians gauge parameters during annual maintenance.

Call Your HVAC Company Today!

In the end, even expanded guides cannot replace having experienced local professionals assess your situation to pinpoint the best solutions custom fit for redeeming home climate control enjoyment year round. We have prior conditions. Yet modern systems withstand mild temporary infiltration without performance repercussions or noteworthy cost increases. Enjoy fresh air as outdoor weather permits extensive track record helping homeowners determine which projects remain DIY in scope versus best left to certified experts. Contact us for transparent second opinions and thorough home assessments at no obligation. Our only goal is to improve your family’s comfort all while proactively maintaining equipment integrity over decades of reliable service. We handle bothersome process intricacies so you can get back what matters most – enjoying ideal indoor atmospheres optimized to your household needs! Call today to schedule your evaluation!