Homeowners often forget about a preseason heater check, since during the summer they are busy keeping their home cooled, and their heaters are not in use. While you may need a reminder to prompt you, this is actually the ideal time to perform a check to ensure that your heater is ready to handle the cooler temperatures. As winter sets in, you may find that your heater is not operating efficiently or properly, so you will be faced with the prospect of trying to schedule an already in demand heating technician. So, if you want to avoid the rush, here are some steps to prepare your heater for the colder winter weather.

Routine Maintenance:Your Guide Completing a Preseason Heater Check

Routine maintenance for your heater should not be particularly time consuming, but it can be vital for optimum performance and efficiency. All you need is a flashlight, screwdriver, a vacuum cleaner, light motors bearing oil and a new air filter.
Since your heater is an electrical appliance, you will need to ensure that all power to the heater is switched off. Switch off the breaker at your electrical power panel and turn off the fuel or gas valve.

Use your screwdriver to open up the heater and use your vacuum to remove any dust and debris from the interior. Be sure to check that there is no debris accumulated in the corners and use your flashlight if you are struggling to see.
Once the interior is clean, you should change the air filter. This is a vital aspect of heater maintenance, which is often overlooked. In fact, most manufacturers recommend changing the heater air filters every four weeks during the winter months. Therefore, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with how to change the filter on your particular heater model. If you are unsure about the specific procedure, consult your owner’s manual.

While the unit is open, you should also check the fan belt. Fan belts will deteriorate over time, yet they are an integral component to force warmed air through your vents. Check the belt for any indication of wear or if it has become slack. If the belt has become worn the motor will not properly function, so it is best to err on the side of caution and replace a suspect belt, rather than risk it breaking.

Finally, if your heater bearings are not permanently sealed, you should lubricate with the bearing oil. Ensure that you reseal the unit properly and turn the breaker back on.

Professional Inspections:

While routine maintenance is important, it should not replace a professional inspection. It is a good idea to have your heater inspected at least once each year. A professional heating technician will be able to check your heater for any issues or faults, which could trigger a breakdown when the heater is being continually used. They can also check to ensure that your heater is operating at peak efficiency and is safe to use. Remember that even a small leak can have disastrous implications for the safety of your home and family.