If you have an HVAC system in your home, you may want to check that that your ducts are sealed correctly. Having unsealed ducts can lead to a variety of problems that could cost you a lot of money. Here are two good reasons to make sure that your ducts are properly sealed.2 Good Reasons for Duct Sealing Your Home

  1. Preventing Pest Infestations

Having an infestation, of bugs and rodents in your home is a nightmare that no homeowner would want to deal with. You may have the cleanest home on the block, but if your ducts are not sealed the potential for infestation is always present. Pests pose a very real threat to your families health and they can cause a lot of damage. Mice will chew through insulation for nesting material and other pests can be poisonous or carry diseases. You may think that your ducts are sealed, but it is always a good idea to check them regularly. Even a small crack or gap in the seal could be inviting unwanted guests into your home. If you’re in any doubt that your ducts need resealing, contact a professional for a consultation. Remember, when dealing with pests, prevention is always better and cheaper than the cure.

It is possible to get rid of pests, by using poisonous pest control options, but they bring a host of other problems. Unfortunately, the pest could die in your ductwork or crawl into a wall and decompose there, causing noxious odours. These odours will then be spread throughout the home when the HVAC system is in use. Pest control products can also pose a threat to the health of your children and pets. Another option is to use traps in your ductwork and check them on a daily basis. Obviously, this is a time consuming and unpleasant task. Finally, you may decide to use pest control services, but they are not cheap and they are certainly more expensive than sealing your ducts. By sealing your ducts, you can prevent many of these problems occurring, denying bugs and vermin an initial point of access.

  1. Improved Efficiency

Sealing the ducts in your home offers additional benefits, in the form of increased efficiency. You will find that your HVAC system runs much more efficiently if the ducts in your home are properly sealed. The treated air will be more easily and evenly distributed throughout your home, eliminating any cold or hot spots. The system, will not have to work as hard and this will be reflected in your monthly utility bills. Sealing the ducts in your home is quite simple to do in some cases. Leaky ducts can be sealed with an anti fungal mastic or metal tape. Make sure to check all the ductwork that you can access, pay particular attention to vents and registers where they meet walls, floors and ceilings. If you’re not confident with DIY, or if you’re worried about ducts that are harder to access, it may be a good idea to contact an HVAC professional to check your system for you.