If you want to heat and cool your home efficiently, your first thought is likely to be a centralized air system. These types of ducted systems have been the gold standard in air conditioning for many years, providing efficient cooling. While there are many benefits to centralized air, it may not be the right choice for every home, particularly if your house is larger. In large homes, centralized air can cause a number of issues that may mean that you reassess whether it is the right option for you.

A Hotter Second Story:

As most people are aware, warm air rises, which means that the upper story of your home may feel hotter and far less comfortable compared to the lower floor. Typically, the thermostat for your centralized air system will be on the bottom floor. The thermostat sensor detects the ambient temperature and triggers the system to be turned on or off accordingly. This means that while the rooms on the ground floor will feel comfortable, the bedrooms upstairs can feel hot and stuffy. Since many of us prefer a cooler temperature in our sleeping area, this can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest.Central Air Issues That Can Arise in Large Homes

Warm Breezes and Spots:

In the same way, a centralized air system cannot account for any fluctuations in the temperature inside your home based on a lack of insulation in the walls, proximity to outside doors or even the exterior walls. This can create phenomenon that compromises your comfort level such as breezes or warm spots and uneven temperatures. Even if the system has been sized correctly to account for your home being larger, you may still experience these hotter spots that make using some areas of the home impossible in the height of summer.

The Alternative:

Although centralized air was considered to be the best choice traditionally, there have been a number of efficient alternatives developed in recent years. Ductless split system units are now far more efficient than they were years ago, with manufacturers prioritizing efficiency and performance. Ductless split system units require less installation and one outdoor unit can support numerous indoor wall units. Most modern indoor units are quite discreet and can be hung high on a wall to avoid compromising your décor. As with a centralized system, you will be able to use the units to both cool and heat your home.

The Best Choice for Your Home:

If you are still not sure which is the best option for your home, it is a good idea to speak to an experienced HVAC professional. The technicians will assess your home to determine which type of system is best suited to its unique characteristics. Most professionals are happy to take some time to answer your questions and discuss your options, so you can have all the details you need to make an informed decision. This will enable you to determine if a centralized system is right for your home or if it would be better suited to a ductless system to gain the best efficiency and performance.