We all want the best indoor air quality to ensure that our families are breathing clean and safe air. Sadly, many homes have poor quality air; this can lead to health issues, unpleasant odors and even accelerated mold growth. A significant amount of scientific data has been collected on indoor air quality, and many homes have air that is more polluted than outdoors in heavily industrialized areas. In this article, we will take a look at three actionable tips that you can take action on today to improve your indoor air quality.

1. Houseplants Can Clean Your Air

Houseplants can be an attractive addition to the home, but they have other benefits, and they can improve indoor air quality. All plants breathe; they take in carbon dioxide and then breathe out oxygen, this is the exact opposite of humans and animals. When you add one or more houseplants, you will restore balance to your home by filtering the indoor air and adding fresh oxygen. Here are some great plants that are ideal for this purpose.

Rubber Tree: A rubber tree is great at cleaning your air, and they thrive in low light conditions. They do very well in cooler climates, and they are very low maintenance plants.
Aloe Plant: This plant is easy to care for and very aesthetically pleasing for your home. When the leaves have brown spots on them, it’s a sign that there are harmful contaminants in the air.
English Ivy: This plant has been rated by NASA as the best houseplant for filtering air! English Ivy is also easy to care for, and it’s also the best plant for filtering formaldehyde, which can be found in fire retardant furniture and other household products.

2. Clean the Floors and Crack the Windows

Any home, especially a new one, is not very good at breathing or circulating air. This is a real problem for those of us that want better indoor air quality, but there is a solution. If you keep your floors clean, you will remove dirt and dust particles that will eventually end up in your air supply. Then if you crack your windows open slightly, you can let fresh air into your home and let the house breathe.

3. Change Your Air Filters

The air filter in your HVAC system provides a vital first line of defense against poor indoor air quality. A typical heating and cooling system might circulate 1,000 cubic feet of air per minute through your air filter. The entire volume of air in your home will pass through the air filter multiple time throughout the day. A clean filter will be effective at removing airborne particles, such as dust, dirt, debris and pet dander. A dirty filter, on the other hand, could make the indoor air quality worse by continuously circulating airborne contaminants through the entire home. Check your owner’s manual for more advice on which air filters to use and how to change them. The process is quite simple, but it can vary a little between manufacturers and models.  If you are unsure, contact your local HVAC company.